Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic the company has taken their next step into partially automating and digitalising their service offerings one of which is their Scan to Design process.
What this has enabled is making their application available to a smart phone user which allows its user, being a 7th generation mobile device, to download the app, scan the space that needs to be designed and develop AutoCAD, SketchUp, Revit files as well as their 3D rendering software which is Creator this is then worked on by the Interior Designer to provide 3D Renders and Space Provisions.
I will be covering the following subheadings, site investigation and evaluation, meeting with relevant authorities, preparation of schematic and design development drawings, checking design proposals against statutory requirements and preparations of budgets, estimates, costs plans and feasibility studies and how the firm cover these points.This reflection will relate to my experience in the firm this far and how they have taken steps to develop their new business model.
Site investigation and evaluation- I have not personally been able to go out to site just yet, although we have all been briefed on how a visit to site is conducted. The method of site visits started out with the traditional measure tape and laser tool which physically had to be drawn up and quantified as well as add site notes. The firm then moved onto a Lidar device which allowed its contractor to scan a room/space with micro data points, automatically quantifying floor, wall and ceiling surface areas.
This brought measuring tools to their finger tips by merely tapping on the tablet the structure sensor was attached to and reading off measurements. Site notes, pictures and any details required by potential contractors are then added to the web viewer files with its 3D model to measure and photographic model to help with viewing different spaces and surfaces. This file would then be uploaded to their RenoStation Hub where they would tender services needed for the project big or small, from Electricians, Plumbers, Flooring Specialists and Painters to Interior Designers, Architects and Interior Decorators.
Meeting with relevant authorities- In my experience the projects Airloom has taken on this far hasn't yet required major renovations. Their most recent contract with Virgin Active Somerset has required the permission of the authorities of the Center Management to enable requesting plans, a 3D model and AutoCad files from Airloom for flooring and spacial renovations.
Preparation of schematic and design development drawings- We have recently developed a method of self assisting and skipping a few steps in design development. The company has channeled an online questionnaire to complete questions about the room that needs to be decorated, its style and all materials, finishes and furniture that need to be taken into the room being designed.
This can be restricting to the more intricately designed spaces, which we would essentially have the design teams hands on attending to these requests seperately. The more simple requests will be taken through the RenoStation Design Advice Q&A where a list of questions will be answered by the client in order to formulate a room the client can essentially shop off as a Furniture Specification list and work from for their spacial provisions.
The 3D design software incorporates existing items from furniture, finishes, lighting and decor companies in South Africa. This then falls part of the range available to design a space which can be effective from a sales point of view. The client will also be receiving the best possible display of space provisions in 3D renders and a floor plan. Their drawings will also be available on formats such as Revit, AutoCAD and SketchUp should they need them.
Checking design proposals against statutory requirements- Most of the firms projects focuses on small Residential floor plans by decorating and providing 3D renders. The only statutory requirements I have been exposed to this far is meeting SANS10400 standards on flooring and installations thereof.
Prior to the firms recent developments of design work, they were a professional flooring installer and rug as well as fabric supplier and manufacturer. I have attended workshops of how their production takes place and was taught more in depth about the composition of their products and how certain standards need to be maintained to ensure product longevity and safety of use.
With their new feature of incorporating Interior Design/Decorating, as previously mentioned, a Design Advice Q&A is filled out, this is then sent as a push notification to the Interior Designer (currently me and my Senior) we then formulate a designed space from their requirements filled out in the Design Advice Q&A form into our 3D Modelling software, and check these designed layouts by sharing the files amongst each other and making adjustments where necessary in order to approve space provisions set forth as well as furniture and finishes selected according to the room and the clients requirements.
Preparation of budgets, estimates, costs plans and feasibility studies- The company is yet to develop their fee structure of providing floor plans and 3D renders. The pilot stage of the companies journey in Interior Decorating/Design has allowed them to collect the relevant data and requirements of each individual test client. Therefore most of the scan to CAD and designs done this far has been at the expense of the company through managing a self-assisting app provided to a client, the rest is all self managed by the client cutting out project management.
They have made the application accessible to their clients which requires a 7th generation smart phone, and by using their camera they are able to upload a scan of their room generating the models required to design.
Another form of project costs estimates I can list is the quotes they are able to provide clients with through this app because it enables quantification of floor, wall and ceiling surface areas. Contractors, as previously mentioned, such as Electricians, Plumbers, Flooring Specialists and Painters to Interior Designers, Architects and Interior Decorators Partners are able to post quotations directly to the client through the web application available.